
Monday, August 18, 2008

Björkarna börjar tappar sina löv
när alla går hem på olika håll
och jag går och fundera själv
att kärlek får kommer när den vill
men om du vill har mig
finns jag i din mobilens in-korg
men svara då!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tog inga bilder
så det blir inga vittne
till det nya livet
jag hade från förr
Där lag en sten på marken
bland all andra stenar
men jag bestämde mig
för att sparka på just den

Den rullade iväg
och jag stod och tittade på
tills den försvann bland andra stenar
sen sprang jag efter

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I committed suicide
but i just did not know
how much I clung to life
waiting in silence to hear your voice
waking early to smell your breath
making images of you with clay and stone
playing my tunes to let you go
now you go
you go

Monday, August 04, 2008

still the mind
and the heart will follow
dust raises to cover tracks
pushing insight through silence
still not lonely
still not free

Sunday, August 03, 2008

We stole time and names
and called them our own
you could see it
in the veins of her neck
on the soles of her feet

She had captivated me
with silence and beauty
So I deceided to enslave her
as a way of buying time, to give it a name
in the face of defeat
Do you know about God and other things?
Ah, so you´ve read the Bible!?
But I´ve read the last page
So I know how it ends
Closing countries like chapters in a book
some ended in hope with exclamation marks
others in tears with smudge marks in the corner
and some just ended, full stop.
I saw a heart broken
on a wooden park bench
I picked it up and put it in my pocket
a trophy for my soul
and a reminder
death is a beginning

Hur kan man tar tag i känslor
när man ar helt tom
Inga kännslor att tar i?