
Monday, September 29, 2008

I have a love
I have a lover
One does not respect the other

That what one does with its hands
The other does with its heart
They feel each other inside out

I am lost to my lover
I am in love with another
One does not respect the other

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I felt your strain, I looked up
As you pushed past me
Carrying a beast on your shoulders
While I sat packing my bags for a trip

I left on a plane and a sunset
As you wept and I followed your sweat
Until I got a glimpse of you, within sight and distance
And for a second you looked back, then up

That second was a lifetime
And everything held within
Death, Birth, Pure and Sin
But we saw we other, at least a glimpse

Let the truth be told!
Our eyes met and I followed your sweat
You shouldered your beast, I packed my bags for a trip
We escaped this life, but what about the next?
Something’s broke
Don’t know how to fix it
So we break it again
And reset it

Like bones shattered
Or good people
Looking for love and only finding trouble
Something’s broke

I am the one to find it
Good people don’t look for love in me
I will break it again
And you will be left to reset it
I see you
You don’t believe it
I feel you
You don’t know it
I smell you
You don’t conceive it
I touch you
You don’t feel it
I’m it

Monday, September 15, 2008

Women in my life
Women of this Earth
I bow down before thee
And give you your worth

To walk the distance
To beat your chests
To drain your body for your children
As well as those manly pests

To stand on street corners
Under neon lights
To collect fire wood
And cook under cool nights

Women in my life
Women of this Earth
I bow down before thee
And give you your worth

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I am bound by the pain
And the pride of this land
A sorrow I hold in the palm of my hand
It links me to my birth

In a place of dust and dirt
In a place of birth and death
I follow my ancestors
As they show me life in shadows

It is where I belong
Voices and visions and rhythms
They are coming out of me
And you shall share them

Like hands touching while sharing food
Or bodies brushing in dance
We are bound brothers and sisters
In this place of dust and dirt
You could see history in the lines of her eyes
Her children in the shape of her breasts
Burden of the earth on the soles of their feet
Her beads tell me a story, one which I shall keep

A time where her father’s wishes came true
A time where there was water and food
Only to be filled with dust and heat
Across vast distances of time and space

Now we stand face to face, I follow her journey
Filled with pride and sorrow as I hold her hand
And study the burden of the earth on the soles of her feet
Her beads tell me a story, one for each day, one which I shall keep

Monday, September 08, 2008

I have seen the many faces of God
All I know is that I have been here before
Drank your streams and tasted your dirt
It is there under my fingernails
A reminder that we are immortal
As different forms within this Universe
As faces of God throughout time
Brought kicking and screaming into this world
Oh how I hate you dearest friend
For what you represent, your white skin
Now you haunt me

I scream with fear into this racist world
Oh how I love you dearest friend
For what you represent, black and blue
Now I haunt myself

We wish for us both life and death
That we should make a promise to each other
That you may hate me as much as I love you
And together kicking and screaming we may find a way back in
There is a wilderness
Beyond the horizon
Further than I can see

A place of danger and deceit
A place of joy and rapture
A place where men may walk on their feet

There is a wilderness
Beyond thought and vision
Deep, deep inside me

May I wander with you
Through darkness and light
So that only love shall remain
Climb upon my shoulders
so that you may see
But beware of the consequences
I may disappear and you may fall
They are out there searching for me