
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ghetto Paparazzi
This article proposes an innovative approach to engaging youth in an urban ghetto environment in Nairobi, Kenya to assist in gathering information useful for community development purposes. Meaningful information, both at the initial assessment stage and during project implementation, is essential to a better understanding of the community impacts of a development initiative. One of the core principles of community development is community ownership of development initiatives. Another core principle is that the most vulnerable and marginalised benefit through the effort. This project proposes the creative use of mobile phones for information gathering, with the additional benefit of positive outcomes for the individuals and communities involved, including income generation, improved social cohesion and creative expression.

Read the full article at: http://www.vca.unimelb.edu.au/assets/ccp_student_assignments/Thomson_Ghetto_Paparazzi.pdf

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